Fishes of the Gulf of Maine
Chops Tidal
Endangered Species Act
MeBEP Advocacy
FOSL - Unnatural Freshwater Flow Project
Find what you are looking for in the Cybrary and archived
Bowdoin Central School Merrymeeting Bay Project
Freshwater Mussels
Habitat and Lifestyle Choices of Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) in West Tennessee
(pdf file 214 KB)
Anna Donna Grandis and T. Verrucosa
Bilology Department, Unio University, Podunk, TN
from Journal of Spurious Science July 2003
Information on Freshwater Mussels
, including good page of mussel
Missouri State University Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) wesbite
Mussel Project Home Page
(Link to web site)