Merrymeeting Bay Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program: An Update (Word doc: 1.64 MB)
This article is an overview of FOMB's water quality data from 2003-2005. Along with the text, it also contains graphs of dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity for that time period.
Heather Caron
The Merrymeeting News (printed without graphs in newsletter)
Date: Fall 2005
Appendix A: Data Quality Objectives (VRMP QAPP-Table 3a).
Appendix B: Frequency of Precision Measurements (VRMP QAPP-Table 3c).
Appendix C: standard operating procedures (SOPs) (Note: SOPs are located on a separate webpage. An individual group's Sampling and Analysis Plan specifies which particular SOPs apply to the group. If you would like to get back to this page, click the "Back" arrow or button on your Internet browser.)