Fish, Wildlife, Plants & Habitat in Merrymeeting Bay including information on salmon, American eel, sea lamprey, anadromous fish restoration, sturgeon, habitat, turtles, wetlands, Maine Natural Areas Program survey & many other topics.
Alewives & Blueback Herring in the Gulf of Maine Area
(pdf 515 KB)
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Jessop 1986
American Eels
(pdf 494 KB)
Restoring a Vanishing Resource in the Gulf of Maine
Androscoggin River Anadromous Fish Restoration Program
(pdf 1.25 MB)
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Sep 15, 2006
Androscoggin River Watershed Comprehensive Plan for Diadromous Fishes.
(pdf 6.6 MB)
NOAA Fisheries. 2020. Greater Atlantic Region Policy Series 20-01.
NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office -
Dec 1, 2020
Anecdotes and the Shifting Baseline Syndrome of Fisheries
(pdf 125 KB)
Daniel Pauly
TREE vol. 10, no. 10
Oct 1, 1995
Anthropogenic Sources of Underwater Sound Can Modify How Sediment-dwelling Invertebrates Mediate Ecosystem Properties
(pdf 404 KB)
Solan, M. et al.
Sci. Rep. 6, 20540; doi: 10.1038/srep20540
Atlantic Coast Diadromous Fish Habitat:
A Review of Utilization,Threats, Recommendationsfor Conservation, and Research Needs.
Habitat Management Series #9
January 2009
Atlantic Coastwide Population Structure of Striped Bass
(External Link)
Wirgin et al.
Fisheries Research
Atlantic Cod Stock Structure in the Gulf of Maine
(pdf 2 MB)
Ted Ames
vol 29 no 1,
Fisheries Magazine
Atlantic salmon in a rapidly changing environment--Facing the Challenges of Reduced Marine Survival and Climate Change
(pdf 162 KB)
Thorstad et al
Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2021;112.
Bald Eagle Management Goals and Objectives 2004 - 2019
(pdf 2.1 MB)
Maine Department of Inland Fish and Wildlife
Adopted by MDIFW Commissioner and Advisory Council
Sep 23, 2004
Bald Eagle Management Guidelines and Conservation Measures
(pdf 39 KB)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nov 24, 2009
Behavioural and pathomorphological impacts of flash photography on benthic fishes
(pdf 1.7 MB)
Maarten De Brauwer, Luke M. Gordon, Tanika C. Shalders, Benjamin J. Saunders,
Michael Archer, Euan S. Harvey, Shaun P . Collin, Julian C. Partridge & Jennifer L. McIlwain Scientific Reports
Jan 24, 2019
Biological and Ecotoxicological Characteristics of Terrestrial Vertebrate Species Residing in Estuaries
(External Link)
Rattner & Erwin
US Geological Survey
Blackfly information
(pdf 654 KB)
A collection of information on Black flies
Brewer 2023-Driving the Workhorse_ Maine_s Reliance on the Nearshore Environm
(pdf 148 KB)
Browntail Moth Research at The University of Maine
(pdf 1.5 MB)
A Report of Activities and Findings 2016-2020
Dr. Eleanor Groden, et al
Building Fishways to Restore Diadromous Fishes to Connecticut
(pdf 9.6 MB)
Stephen Gephard
CTDEP/Inland Fisheries Division
Old Lyme, CT
The Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Selected reports 1881-1901
(External Link)
Historical reports published by the U.S. Fish Commission relating to the fish and fisheries of New England, the Maritimes, and Atlantic Canada
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission: Selected Gulf of Maine Reports: 1873-1898
(External Link)
Historical reports published by the U.S. Fish Commission relating to the fish and fisheries of New England, the Maritimes, and Atlantic Canada
Centuries of Anadromous Forage Loss Consequences for Ecology
(pdf 2.80 MB)
Hall et al 2012
Changes in plant communities of low-salinity tidal marshes in response to sea level rise
(pdf 1.9 MB)
Humphreys et al 2021
A Checklist of Maine Spiders (Arachnida Araneae) 2020
(pdf 1.3 MB)
Jennings, Daniel T.; Donahue, Charlene P.
Maine Forest Service
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Cobbosseecontee Watershed, Maine
(pdf 1.8 MB)
Fish History, Water Quality, Hydrology and Aquatic Restoration Overview
Working Draft
Feb 1, 2012
Dam Schematics for Androscoggin, Kennebec, Penobscot and St. Croix Rivers
(jpg 1.3 MB)
Courtesy: Colby College
Damariscotta Alewife Fishery
(pdf 2 MB)
Jun 1, 1958
Damming of Maine Watersheds and the Consequences for Coastal Ecosystems
(pdf 7.5 MB)
with a Focus on the Anadromous River Herring (Alosa pseudoharengus and Alosa aestivalis): A Four Century Analysis
A Thesis Presented by Carolyn Jean Hall to The Graduate School in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Marine and Atmospheric Science
Stony Brook University
Dec 1, 2009
Dams and Fish Migration
(External Link)
Michel Larinier
Institut de Mecanique des Fluides, Toulouse,
Dams, fish and fisheries
(pdf 1.25 MB)
Opportunities, challenges
and conflict resolution
Gerd Marmulla
Fishery Resources Officer
Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service
Fishery Resources Division
FAO Fisheries Department
The Decline and Impending Collapse of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Population in the North Atlantic Ocean_ A Review of Possible Causes
(pdf 1.5 MB)
Article in Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
Dadswell et al
Jul 1, 2021
The Demography, Nesting Status and Movement Patterns of Snapping Turtles, Chelydra serpentina in Merrymeeting Bay
(ppt 95.61 MB)
(about tracking turtles around Merrymeeting Bay - 93 MB Powerpoint file)
Lucy Van Hook
FOMB Presentation
Department of Biology, Bowdoin College
Apr 12, 2006
DeSorbo et al. 2018_Bald Eagle Hg Exposures in Penobscot River Watershed Maine
(External Link)
DeSorbo et al.. 2020 Bald Eagle Hg exposure in NY
(External Link)
Determining puma habitat suitability in the Eastern USA
(pdf 2.3 MB)
Diadromous Fish of the Kennebec River
(Internal Page)
Diadromous Fish: Species Information and Profiles
Diadromous fish are those migratory species that require time in both salt and fresh water to complete their life cycle. There are two types:
- 1. Anadromous fish live mostly in salt water and come into fresh water for spawning.
Young fish may stay some time in fresh water using it as nursery habitat.
Etymology: From the Greek anadromos, running upward.
Maine has 11 anadromous fish species -
American shad,
Atlantic sturgeon,
Atlantic Salmon (also see Legal Category above)
Atlantic Tomcod,
Blueback Herring,
Rainbow Smelt,
Sea-run Brook Trout,
Sea Lamprey,
Short-nose sturgeon,
Striped Bass
- 2. Catadromous fish live mostly in fresh water and run down to the ocean to spawn.
Etymology: From the Greek kata, down.
Maine has 1 catadromous fish species - American Eel (also see Legal Category above)
Discover the Kennebec: The Fisheries Resources of the Kennebec River
(Internal Page)
Natural Resources and Educational Committees of the Kennebec River Council
Harry Vanderweide, Chairman of the Study
Ira L. Ellis, Cooperative Extension Service, Planning & Organizational Consultant
Apr 18, 1986
Draft Fisheries Management Plan for the Lower Androscoggin River, Little Androscoggin River and Sabattus River
(pdf 411 KB)
Gail S. Wippelhauser, Maine Department of Marine Resources
Sep 1, 2017
Draft Fishery Management Plan Cobbosseecontee Stream
(pdf 398 KB)
Gail S. Wippelhauser, Maine Department of Marine Resources
Dec 1, 2002
Dramatic Declines in North Atlantic Diadromous Fishes
(pdf 430 KB)
Limburg and Waldman 2019
A Duck Farmer Blew the Whistle on Wetlands
(pdf 1MB)
Charles Berry Jr
South Dakota Magazine
July-August 1989
Dykstra et al. 2020 Trends pattrns PFAS blood plasma Bald Eagle nestlings WI MN USA
(External Link)
Ecological and Organismic Effects of Light Pollution
(pdf 449 KB)
Longcore, Travis and Rich, Catherine
Frontiers Ecolological Environment 2004; 2(4): 191198
Mar 1, 2004
Ecological and Organismic Effects of Light Pollution (reissue)
(pdf 821 KB)
Longcore, Travis and Rich, Catherine
Ecological and Organismic Effects of Light Pollution. In: eLS.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0026328
Nov 1, 2016
The Ecological Collapse and Partial Recovery of a
Freshwater Tidal Ecosystem
(External Link)
John Lichter, Heather Caron, Timothy S. Pasakarnis,
Sarah L. Rodgers, Thomas S. Squiers, Jr., and Charles S. Todd
Ecology & Conservation of Maine's Freshwater Turtles
(pdf 4.49 MB)
Derek York, MDIF&W
Learn from this April 10, 2016 presentation to FOMB & the Merrymeeting Arts Center
Apr 10, 2016
Ecology_of_Tidal_Freshwater_Marshes A Community Profile
(pdf 1.8 MB)
Odum 1984
Effects of Anthropogenic Light on Bird
Movement, Habitat Selection, and Distribution
(pdf 911 KB)
a systematic map protocol
Carrie Ann Adams, Arden Blumenthal, Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Erin Bayne and Colleen Cassady St. Clair Environmental Evidence
Jun 13, 2019
Effects of Artificial Lighting at Night (ALAN) on Predator Density and Salmonid Predation
(pdf 10.31 MB)
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
T. Reid Nelson, Cyril J. Michel, Meagan P. Gary, Brendan M. Lehman, Nicholas J. Demetras, Jeremy J. Hammen, Michael J. Horn
Nov 29, 2020
Effects of Light Characteristics on Avian Mortality at Lighthouses
(pdf 122 KB)
Jason Jones and Charles M. Francis
Nov 26, 2003
Effects of Non-Ionizing ElectroMagnetic Fields on Flora & Fauna
Effects of urbanization of coastal watersheds on growth and condition of juvenile alewives in New England
(External Link)
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
By Rita Monteiro Pierce, Karin E. Limburg, Daniella Hanacek, and Ivan Valiela
Jan 24, 2020
Elliott et al. - 2019 - Contaminants in bald eagles of the upper Midwestern U.S. A framework for prioritizing future research based on i-annotated
(External Link)
Evolving conceptions of the role of large dams in social-ecological resilience
(pdf 1.14 MB)
Hammersley 2018
Fassett, Norman C. 1928. The Vegetation of the Estuaries of Northeastern North America.
(External Link)
A Field Guide to Common Aquatic and
Riparian Plants of New Hampshire
(pdf 4.39 MB)
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
By Jen Drociak
Volunteer River Assessment Program Coordinator
Mar 1, 2008
Fish activity
(pdf 782 KB)
a major mechanism for sediment resuspenion and mineralization
Yahel et al
Jan 1, 2000
Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Merrymeeting Bay and Lower Kennebec River Focus Area
(Internal Page)
Prepared by: The Gulf of Maine Coastal and Estuary Project
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Falmouth, Maine
Mar 1, 1994
Fish Assemblages in the Penobscot River A Decade after Dam Removal
(pdf 316 KB)
Jan 1, 2023
Fish Migration Categories
(pdf 64 KB)
Anadromous, Catadromous, Amphidromous, Oceanodromous, or Potamodromous
By Patrick Cooney
May 1, 2013
Fish Passage Effectiveness Report
(pdf 915 KB)
Evaluation of Mitigation Effectiveness at Hydropower Projects
Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance
Office of Energy Projects
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Oct 18, 2004
Fish Passage Effectiveness Report
(pdf 915 KB)
Evaluation of Mitigation Effectiveness at Hydropower Projects
Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance
Office of Energy Projects
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Oct 18, 2004
Fish Passage Reports
Fish Passage Reports
Fish Passage Technologies: Protection at Hydropower Facilities
(pdf 1.20 MB)
OTA-ENV-641 Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
September 1995
Fish Passage Workshop Presentation
(pdf 9.67 MB)
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
ASMFC Workshop on Fish Passage Issues Impacting Atlantic Coast States
April 3 & 4, 2008
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
A continuous summary of presentations [each starting with page 1]
1. State of the Art Fish Passage-Steve Gephart, CTDEP/IFD: 32 pages [slides]
2. Passage Concerns for Striped Bass-R.W. Laney et al.: 11 pages
3. Passage Technologies for River Herring, Shad, Sturgeon & Eel- Alex Haro, USGS: 24 pages
4. Hydro Licensing in the US: An Overview-Mark Pawlowsky, FERC: 27 pages
5. FERC Fish Passage Experiences from the Northeast-Melissa Grader, USFWS, Sean McDermott et al., NMFS: 10 pages
6. Fish Passage in the Southeast...Building on Success-Prescott Brownell, NMFS, Wilson Laney, USFWS: 11 pages
7. Comprehensive Fish Passage Mitigation in the Context of FERC Relicensing: The Southwest Region Perspective-NMFS: 13 pages
8. FERC Case Studies: Kennebec River-Gail Wippelhauser, MDMR: 3 pages
9. FERC Case Study: The Connecticut River-Melissa Grader, USFWS: 13 pages
10. Susquehanna Fish Passage Issues-Michael Hendricks, PF&BC: 11 pages
11. Fish Passage Restoration in the Santee Basin-Prescott Brownell, NMFS: 11 pages
12. NOAA's Fish Passage Activities in the Northeast-John Catena, NOAA: 10 pages
13. A State Perspective on Non-Hydropower Dams-Steve Gephart, CTDEP/IFD: 9 pages
14. Fish passage & Restoration at Non-Hydro Dams-Brian Graber, Am. Rivers: 14 pages
15. Projects on the Horizon-Alex Hoar, USFWS: 12 pages
16. Small Barriers, Large Impacts: Impacts on American Eel Distribution in NY State-Leonard Machut, Tunisan Lab: 25 pages
17. American Eel Passage Issues- Alex Haro, USGS: 12 pages
18. Case Study: Upper Potomac River - Alex Haro, USGS: 9 pages
From slide 11 in presentation 6:
Diadromous species represent a vital ecological link connecting inland river basins with coastal marine and estuarine ecosystems and valuable fisheries.
Restoring productive marine fisheries for future generations of Americans may not be possible without also restoring diadromous fish populations.
Fish Passes Design Discharge Requirements for Successful Operation
(pdf 596 KB)
Wolter and Schomaker
River Res Applic. 2019;35:16971701.
Fishes of the Gulf of Maine
(Internal Page)
By Henry B. Bigelow and William C. Schroeder
Volume 53
[Contribution No. 592, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]
Dec 1, 1953
Forage Fish facebook page
(External Link)
Marine Fish Conservation Network
The Forgotten Cousin in Freshwater Community
Ecology: Tidal Freshwater Wetlands
(pdf 2.77 MB)
Jack R. McLachlan UMaine,
Dec 16, 2016
Freshwater Mussels
(Internal Page)
(See Chemical category above for more
information on how freshwater mussels are used to monitor toxins and pollution)
The Freshwater Mussels of Maine
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife;
Nedeau, Ethan J.; McCollough, Mark A.; and Swartz, Beth I.
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Documents
Gadids and Alewives: Structure within complexity in the Gulf of Maine
(pdf 2.62 MB)
Edward P. Ames & John Lichter
Fisheries Research 2013
Genetic Population Structure and Accuracy of
Morphological Assessment in Alosa aestivalis (Blueback
Herring) and A. pseudoharengus (Alewife)
(External Link)
Christopher Kan, John Lichter, and Vladimir Douh
George Armytage Rounsefell 1905-1976
(pdf 584 KB)
Shipp et al 1977
Good-Bye Potholes
(pdf 1.98 MB)
Clay Schoenfeld
Field and Stream
Apr 1, 1949
The historic influence of dams on diadromous fish habitat with a focus on river herring and hydrologic longitudinal connectivity
(External Link)
(External Link)
Ecological Applications, 17(3), 2007, pp. 765-778
Hudson River
(pdf 55 KB)
From a Mountain Top to 1000 Fathoms Deep
Boyle, Sports Illustrated, 1964
Humphreys et al 2021 Changes in plant communities of low-salinity tidal marshes in response to sea level rise
(pdf 1.91 MB)
Intersecting Histories in the Kennebec River, Maine: Migratory Fish and Edwards Dam
(pdf 3.76 MB)
Simon Beirne
A Dissertation Presented For the Degree of Master of Science
University of Edinburgh, 2009
Invasive Tree Pests
(pdf 10.13 MB)
Andy Valley IFP Presentation
Androscoggin Soil & Water Conservation District and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
July 2019
Kennebec Estuary Focus Areas of Statewide Ecological Significance
(pdf 795 KB)
Beginning with Habitat
Maine Natural Areas Program, Department of Conservation
Littlefield, et al, 2024 Beyond-the-Illusion-of-Preservation
(pdf 9.73 MB)
Taking Regional Responsibility by Protecting Forests, Reducing Consumption, and Expanding Ecological Forestry in New England
Living Planet Index Report on Migratory Fish 2020
(pdf 5.90 MB)
Longcore-et-al-2013-Biological_Conservation-Avian Mortality Comm Towers
(pdf 630 KB)
Lower Androscoggin Macroinvertebrate Sampling Study 2022
(External Link)
Paul C. Leeper
Moody Mountain Environmental
May 9, 2022
Maine DMR Historical Sea Run Partial Fishway Trap Counts 2008-2019
(pdf 75 KB)
DMR's Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries keeps track annually of fish counts by species that pass through various fishways. The two DMR-generated PDF's posted here only include Atlantic salmon, American shad and river herring (alewives and blueback herring). You can search the internet with words anything like MDMR Sea Run Fish Trap Counts and you will get current year counts and complete species data.
Maine DMR Historical Sea Run Partial Fishway Trap Counts 2013- 2023
(pdf 192 KB)
Maine Forest Service Fact Sheets on Insects & Disease
(External Link)
Maine Forest Service
Maine Stream Habitat Viewer
(External Link)
The Maine Stream Habitat Viewer is an interactive website maintained by the Maine Coastal Program as part of the Maine Stream Connectivity Work Group, which is a partnership of state, federal, industry and non-government organizations working cooperatively to improve Maine's stream restoration efforts . Data obtained from the Maine Stream Habitat Viewer included stream barrier types, (crossings, waterfalls, dams, and natural barriers) stream reaches categorized by species (salmon and alewife) and function, watershed boundaries, and towns.
Maine's 2018 Survey of Nesting Bald Eagles:
(pdf 2.05 MB)
Evaluating the Health and Conservation Needs of a Recovered Endangered Species
Charlie Todd, et al, 2019
Maine's Sebasticook River
(pdf 3.31 MB)
A Rare and Critical Resource for Bald Eagles in the Northeast
Biodiversity Research Institute
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
supported in part by a grant from the American Eagle Foundation
2014 Brochure
Managing Deer Wintering Areas in Northern, Western and Eastern Maine
(External Link)
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.
Managing New England Forests Threatened By Emerald Ash Borer
(pdf 6.82 MB)
Marine Ecology & Fisheries Research Reports, 19th & Early 20th Century
(External Link)
Marine Noise Pollution-Simmondsetal2014JOTV9N1
(pdf 316 KB)
Merrymeeting Bay Aquatic and Upland Habitat Assessments: 1956-2018
(Internal Page)
with Sewall Aerial Photograpy and GIS Studies
Merrymeeting Bay Survey
(pdf 192 KB)
Maine Natural Areas Program
Date: 1998
Merrymeeting Bay: Maine's Waterfowl Haven
(pdf 562 KB)
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.
Game Division Leaflet Series Vol 1, No.1
Howard Spencer Jr.
Jun 1, 1957
Migratory Connectivity
(External Link)
The importance of migratory connectivity
for global ocean policy
Dunn DC, Harrison A-L et al.
2019 The importance of migratory connectivity
for global ocean policy. Proc. R. Soc. B 286:
Movements of Atlantic Sturgeon of the Gulf of Maine
(pdf 1.20 MB)
Inside and Outside of the Geographically Defined Distinct Population Segment.
Marine and Coastal Fisheries Journal Article
Gail S. Wippelhauser, James Sulikowski, Gayle B. Zydlewski, Megan A.
Altenritter, Micah Kieffer & Michael T. Kinnison
Mar 10, 2017
Nemeth et al 2023, Bald eagle mortality and nest failure due to clade highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza a virus
(External Link)
Avian influenza is killing bald eagles
NOAA Coastal Resource Coordination Fact Sheet for Maine
(pdf 507 KB)
(Notes NOAA Trust Species & Areas of Special Concern {Merrymeeting Bay})
NOAA Habitat Restoration Center
(External Link)
NOAA Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap Report
(pdf 2.77 MB)
Particularly with increased offshore seismic exploration, shipping traffic and military exercises, ocean noise is becoming problematic for cetaceans (marine mammals) and other marine life including key organisms low on the food chain like plankton. Read more on this NOAA Fisheries web page and in their Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap Report.
Listen to a WBUR discussion with NOAA marine ecologist Dr. Leila Hatch of the Stellwagon Bank National Marine Sanctuary and watch the trailer for award winning film Sonic Sea (, here:
North American diadromous fishes
(pdf 596 KB)
Drivers of decline potential for recovery in the Anthropocene
Science Advances
Waldman and Quinn
Notices In Regard To The Abundance of Fish On The New England Coast In Former Times
(pdf 2.98 MB)
Observations of American Shad Alosa sapidissima
(pdf 824 KB)
Approaching and Using a Vertical Slot Fishway at the Head-of-Tide Brunswick Dam on the Androscoggin River, Maine
Weaver et al
North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Ocean Noise Strategy-NOAA Fisheries_Roadmap_Final_Complete
(pdf 2.77 MB)
Overfishing Conservation Sustainability and Farmed Fish
(pdf 3.80 MB)
Coty Perry
Aug 16, 2022
Patterns, drivers, and a predictive
model of dam removal cost in
the United States
(External Link)
Duda et al. 2023
Penobscot Bay Watch: 19th & Early 20th Century Marine Ecology & Fisheries Research Reports
(External Link)
Digitized and uploaded to the internet by Ron Huber, Penobscot Baywatch, Rockland, Maine
Penobscot Bay Watch: Fisheries News & Info
(External Link)
Website dedicated to protection & wise use of Penobscot Bay & the Gulf of Maine
The Plight and Outlook for Migratory Fish
in the Gulf of Maine
(pdf 347 KB)
Andrew Goode
Universities Council on Water Resources
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education
Issue 134, Pages 23-28
Jul 1, 2006
Proceedings of a Workshop on American Eel Passage Technologies
(pdf 2.32 MB)
Special Report No. 90 of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Jul 1, 2013
Quantifying the Use of New England's Premier River Herring Run by Bald Eagles (pdf file 1.3 MB)
(pdf 1.34 MB)
DeSorbo, C. R., D. Riordan E. Call and R. B. Gray. 2015.
Biodiversity Research Institute, Portland, ME.
Report #2015-09
submitted to the American Eagle Foundation, Pigeon Forge, TN and the Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, ME.
Rainbow Smelt 4th North American Workshop
(pdf 2.45 MB)
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Technical Report TR-51
Reaching into the Past for Future Resilience:
(pdf 1.10 MB)
Recovery Efforts in Maine Rivers and Coastal Waters
John Lichter & Ted Ames
Maine Policy Review Vol 21 Issue 1 (2012)
Reconstructing the Gulf of Maine cod spawning grounds on the basis of local ecological knowledge
(pdf 261 KB)
Ted Ames
Vol 80, No 3675, pp. 1-9,
Journal of Marine Biological Assessment, UK
Restoring the Lower Androscoggin
(pdf 1.47 MB)
Steve Heinz
FOMB Speaker Series
Feb 9, 2022
Revenge of the Nerds: The Story of Precocious Atlantic Salmon Parr
(pdf 427 KB)
Douglas Watts
Posted to Tispaquin's Revenge Blog
Sep 28, 2009
River ecosystem processes A synthesis of approaches
(pdf 848 KB)
criteria of use and sensitivity to environmental stressors
Science of The Total Environment
Volumes 596-597, 15 October 2017, Pages 465-480
Von Schiller
The River Fisheries of Maine
(External Link)
By Charles G. Atkins, Maine's first Commissioner of Fisheries
excerpt from the 1887 U.S. Gov't publication "Fisheries and Fishery Industries of America"
The Salmon Fishery of Penobscot Bay and River 1895-1896
(pdf 372 KB)
Smith 1897
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 1897
Salt Marshes in the Gulf of Maine
(pdf 3.06 MB)
Human Impacts, Habitat Restoration, and Long-term Change Analysis
Gulf of Maine
Council on the
Marine Environment
Secchi and Sea-Run Alewives in Central Maine Lakes:
(pdf 214 KB)
Testing the 'Native-Invasive' Hypothesis
Douglas H. Watts
Augusta, Maine
Aug 1, 2015
Slabe et al 2022 Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America
(pdf 602 KB)
Social benefits of restoring historical ecosystems and fisheries: alewives in Maine.
(pdf 2.49 MB)
McClenachan, L., S. Lovell, and C. Keaveney
Ecology and Society 20(2): 31.
Solid State Lighting-Review of Health Effects. International Energy Association 10-1-2024
(External Link)
The Spatial and Relative Abundance Characteristics of the Fish Assemblages in Three Maine Rivers.
2002 and 2003.
(External Link)
Kennebec River (Bingham to Merrymeeting Bay)
Androscoggin River (Errol, NH to Merrymeeting Bay)
Sebasticook River (Pittsfield, ME to Winslow, ME)
Chris O. Yoder (Ohio U. and Ctr. for Applied Bioassessment & Biocriteria)
and Brandon H. Kulik, John M. Audet, and Jeffrey D. Bagley (Kleinschmidt Associates)
Sep 1, 2006
Spiess and Halliwell 2017 Sturgeon Scutes
(pdf 4.44 MB)
St Croix's Salmon Falls, Milltown Dam and Fishway
(pdf 2.02 MB)
Pleasant Pt. Passamaquoddy Tribe
Strategic Plan for the Restoration of
Diadromous Fishes to the Penobscot River
(pdf 2.86 MB)
Sturgeon Status in the Kennebec River
(pdf 1.82 MB)
FOMB Speaker Series Presentation
Tom Squiers
Apr 13, 2016
Tidewater Mucket Surveys in Cold Stream Pond, Cold Stream, Androscoggin River, Kennebec River, and Merrymeeting Bay
(pdf 1.29 MB)
Nedeau 2023
Torching Herring by the Dark of the Moon
(pdf 1.30 MB)
Oct 1, 1965
United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries
Report of the Commissioner for 1872 and 1873
Washington, DC
United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries
Report of the Commissioner for 1872 and 1873
Washington, DC
XXIII. ON FISH-WAYS. (pdf file 1.4 MB)
By Charles G. Atkins 591
A. Introductory remarks 591
B. Habits of migratory fishes 591
C. The construction and location of fish-ways. 594
1. Situation 594
2. Attractiveness 596
3. Ease of ascent 601
D Devices which are in use or have been proposed 603
1. Gap 604
2. Trench or Cape Cod fish-way 604
3. Oblique groove 605
4. Step-fish-ways 606
5. Smith's fish-way 607
6. Cail's fish-way 608
7. Pike's fish-way 609
S. Steck's fish-way 610
9. Inclined-plane fish-ways 610
10. The Pennsylvania fish-ways 610
11. The common rectangular fish-way 611
12. Brackett's fish-way 612
13. Fishways with oblique partitions 613
14. General arrangement 614
A. Obstructions in the rivers of Maine. By E. M. Stilwell 617
Saint Croix River 617
Pemmaquan River 617
Dennys River 617
Orange River 618
East Machias River. 618
Machias River. 618
Wescongus or Pleasant River 618
Narrarguagus River. 618
Union River 618
Penobscot River and tributaries. 618
Saint George River 619
Medomac River 619
Damariscotta River 619
Sheepscot River 619
Kennebec and tributaries 619
Presumpscot River 621
Saco River and tributaries 621
Mousam River. 621
Salmon Falls River 621
This excerpt connects the health of Maine rivers to the health of the Gulf of Maine through access for migratory fish. It was cited incorrectly-wrong year, by Ted Ames in his 2004 paper on discrete cod populations which won him the prestigious McArthur "Genius" Award. It comes from the inroductory section of the Report of the Commisioner-Part A: Decrease in Food-Fishes.
[A biologically interesting conclusion was reached by Baird regarding the probable cause of the reduction of cod and river fishes, both of which have declined in equal ratio. He stated in his report for 1872-73 (Baird, 1874) that "the reduction in the cod and other fisheries, so as to become practically a failure, is due to the decrease off our coast in the quantity, primarily of alewives; and secondarily, of shad and salmon, more than to any other cause."].
From NOAA history:
The Use of Aerial Photographs in the Study of Marsh Vegetation-Dave Olsen Thesis 1964
(pdf 1.75 MB)
USGS National Wetlands Research Center Science
(External Link)
Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Vector Borne Diseases 2017 Tick Talk
(pdf 3.84 MB)
Emer Smith, MPH
Field Epidemiologist
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The Vegetation of the Estuaries of Northeastern North America
(pdf 7.38 MB)
Norman Fassett, 1928
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History
Vol 39, No. 3
P. 73-100, pl. 6-15
Waterfowl Habitat Change over Five Decades in a
Freshwater Tidal Ecosystem in Mid-Coast Maine
(External Link)
John Lichter, Mark E.H. Burton, Sarah L. Close, Juliana M. Grinvalsky, and Jaret Reblin
Waterway and Wildlife Crossing Policy and Design Guide
(pdf 2.98 MB)
For Aquatic Organism, Wildlife Habitat, and Hydrologic Connectivity
Maine DOT
3rd Edition
Jul 1, 2008
We Dont-Need-Deep-Sea-Mining-PIRG 2024
(pdf 4.13 MB)
Whale Super Highway Map
(pdf 3.34 MB)
Where Predators and Prey Meet- Anthropogenic Contact Points Between Fishes in a Freshwater Estuary
(pdf 3.93 MB)
Lehman, Brendan M., Gary, Meagan P., Demetras, Nicholas and Cyril J. Michel
UC Davis - San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
Dec 1, 2019
(pdf 1.77 MB)
White Catfish USFWS Nov-2017-FINAL
(pdf 927 KB)
Wilcock et al_2014 Sounds in the Ocean at 1–100 Hz
(pdf 1.65 MB)
Wild Rice Infestation Qualities Dahlberg 2014
(pdf 656 KB)
Wild Rice U of Wisconsin
(pdf 140 KB)
Wild Rice-Observations on Insects Attacking Melvin 1966
(pdf 2.09 MB)
Wu et al. 2020 Novel and legacy per polyfluoroalkyl in bald eagle eggs from Great Lakes Region
(External Link)